When did it become unacceptable to age? What about being kind to your lines?
It’s inevitable!! Women and Men have begun to scrutinize themselves terribly due to pure media pressure.
In general we all look better than ever, but we are still wanting more. The best way to stay young is to keep contact with our self and be your own best friend.
We grow with change and reinvent ourselves.. it’s part of being a human being. What is not part of our naturality is frozen features: no laughter, a constant state of surprise or a lack of expression. Facial features are so important to communicate and convey feelings, so why change it?
So if it tempts you. do your research to make sure it’s right for your and your wellbeing, and remember that skincare is still number 1. If you don’t take care of the health of your skin, fillers and Botox won’t be worth the pretty penny.
Check out our recent blog post on what skincare is best for you starting with cleansing as it is THE single most important step in your skincare regime, and again, be kind to your lines!
Also check out our Instagram for more updates on everything skin!