What’s the Difference Between Deodorants and Antiperspirants?
Deodorants and antiperspirants. Everyone knows about them, and most people regard them as a daily necessity.
But are they actually safe?
We have two different types of sweat glands. Eccrine and Apocrine Glands. Eccrine glands are all over the body. They are active from birth and they secrete an odourless liquid to cool the body.
Apocrine glands become active at puberty. It is these glands that produce what we call B.O. and it is these glands that we want to target with deodorants and antiperspirants to stop that odour throughout the day.
Deodorants work by masking or changing the scent of B.O to a more pleasant odour, whilst antiperspirants work by using Aluminium salts. When applied to the skin these salts react with the sweat and form a gel-like plug in the hair follicles that lead to the apocrine glands. Thus reducing the amount of sweat secreted.
What the Research Has to Say
Seems like a great idea, right? Well unfortunately according to some medical studies, there are a few potentially major health implications from using these aluminium salts.
Clinical research suggests that Aluminium salts have been linked to breast cancer. Aluminium salts can alter the DNA of cells in breast tissue, whilst also increasing the hormone oestrogen in the body, a hormone that if in excess can potentially lead to breast cancer.
There is also some evidence that chronic exposure to aluminium salts can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. People diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease had notably higher levels of aluminium salts in their blood.
So you might be thinking deodorants are a much healthier option then, right? Not exactly. Whilst they do not contain aluminium salts, they do however contain numerous toxic ingredients. These include parabens, triclosan, phthalates, and propylene glycol, all of which have been linked to certain cancers, reproductive issues, and other medical conditions.
This may be very concerning, but there is something you can do. Opting for natural deodorants is the best way to alleviate B.O, whilst also being kind to your body.
The most important thing is to opt for deodorants that do not contain aluminium salts and other toxic ingredients. Look for deodorants with a bio certification like Ecocert, that contain ingredients that naturally reduce sweat and B.O.
A Safe, Natural Approach
Natural deodorants are completely free from aluminium salts and other toxic ingredients. Instead, they contain natural astringents and anti-bacterial ingredients such as tea tree oil, witch hazel, and essential oils that create a pleasant scent. They work by eliminating B.O whilst also killing bad bacteria without disrupting the skins natural biome.
Centella’s Natural Roll-On Deodorant
Why not try Centella’s natural roll on deodorant. It contains 98% naturally derived, organic plant extracts. It does not contain any aluminium salts, other toxins or preservatives, and helps eliminate unpleasant B.O whilst treating the skin.
Ingredients such aloe vera and centella asiatica soothes the skin, whilst organic sage has anti-bacterial properties along with regulating perspiration. Tea-tree essential oil purifies and leaves the skin with a beautiful scent

So is your health worth it? Here at V Claire natural beauty we know it is. So throw out those old deodorants for good and take the natural approach today!
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