New Year, Blue me
We hear the same thing every year. “New Year, New Me!” or ” Starting in the new year I’m going to do etc. etc.”
With all of our best intentions to self-improve, work harder, be healthier, be happier, lose weight, start a new skincare regime, be a better parent, friend, partner, spouse. The list is endless, and lets be real, a little exhausting. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect and that THIS will be the year that we achieve just that.
But, in reality that’s just not possible.
We set ourselves up for failure year after year, and when we don’t reach the impossible standards we set for ourselves we tend to beat ourselves up. Now, does that really sound like self-improvement?
Reconnect, Don’t reinvent
.A lot of the time this pressure of being a better person etc. comes from external sources. The most influential one being, you guessed it, social media. We’re constantly bombarded with the narrative that everything should be perfect. Our looks, our houses, our families, our cars. So, every year we try really hard to reinvent these aspects of our lives to be perfect, and we just end up getting hurt in the process. We never feel enough.
However, to be human is to experience the ups and downs of life. It is the vulnerability of being imperfect that makes us human.
Instead of trying to reinvent ourselves, we need to look inward and reconnect with ourselves. We need to dismiss that old ideology of ‘New Year, New Me’ and figure out what we really want and need in our lives, to make our lives more wholesome and fulfilled.
Look Inward with Honesty
Ignore what social media, or what anyone else says for that matter. Find out what YOU want. What do you think? How do you feel? and what are YOU going to do about it?
If you are unhappy with something in your life, for example aging, your job, your social circle etc. you need to sit down and have an honest conversation with yourself.
One of the hardest things in life is to be really true to ourselves. To sit with our feelings, insecurities and vulnerabilities. To not run in the other direction and hide away in our indulgences, but to really listen to what we need in those moments of vulnerability. It is the only way we will truly discover what will really make us happy.
We need to get to know ourselves, mind, body and soul. This year break free from the pressure that we put on ourselves with every New Year. Just do what makes you happy.
“No one is free, if he cannot command himself” – Pythagoras
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