It’s no doubt that today we live in a world that has become obsessed with the idea of perfection. As humans we are neurobiologically hardwired to strive to be better, to achieve more. On a primitive level it comes down to survival. More food and water = more life.
Add a system that now has an over abundance of resources and food, and our expectations and values change. As our society is evolving it demands more and more of us. Our society circulates around perfection in everything.
But at what cost does striving for perfection bring?
Pretty Toxic
When it comes to our health, we sometimes compromise it for the sake of our looks. Sometimes completely unknowingly. So many of the beauty and hygiene products we put on our skin and bodies everyday contain a plethora of hazardous chemicals that can wreck havoc on our system. Most of these ingredients are just numbers and words on the package that make no sense to us, keeping us in the dark of how these ingredients impacts our health. We are polluting our bodies without even knowing it.
For the sake of our health we need to be more aware of what we are putting on and into our bodies. Always search for the most natural and less processed option, whether it be what you apply to your skin or what you eat and drink. A great app that can be used to determine the quality of the ingredients in our food and cosmetics is Yuka.
Yuka is a free mobile app that allows you to scan the barcodes of food and personal care products and instantly see their impact on your health. A rating of the products is shown, and detailed information is provided to help you understand the analysis of each product. This helps you to determine if a cosmetic or food product is beneficial or harmful to you.
An Unsustainable Way To Live
Our obsession with perfection can also heavily impact our planet. In a paradoxical way, sometimes in our efforts to create a beautiful, clean and aesthetically pleasing environment, we can end up harming our planet in the process.
Chemicals that are used to clean our homes, our sewage systems, to keep our gardens pest-free, and our water supplies clean etc. can all be hazardous to wildlife, crops, and to our rivers and oceans. This can create a chain reaction of pollution. By polluting ecosystems and natural habitats, we end up polluting ourselves in the long run.
When the health of Flora and Fauna is compromised, so is ours. We end up consuming fruit and vegetables that are laced with pesticides containing harmful chemicals. We consume produce that have been exposed to chemical substances found in our water supplies and farming. We consume what they consume.
Oftentimes the foods that we consume are contained in unrecyclable plastic packaging, that ends up in wastelands, further polluting our planet. In the pursuit of perfection and productivity, we want everything instantaneously. We favour convenience and are smothering ourselves and our planet with plastic as a result.
Step into Sustainability
Sustainability is easily achieved once you have awareness of your choices. Be more conscious of how you treat your surroundings. There are many natural alternatives to chemical products to be used in our everyday lives. At the end of the day knowledge is power.
The ideology of perfection is wasted if our planet is suffering as a result. Don’t strive to perfect, strive to protect!
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