Are beauty treatments self-indulgent? They’re supposed to be. It is important to take a break and take care of yourself, despite often feeling that you don’t have the time to. With a busy schedule it can be hard, especially when you find yourself constantly being your own last priority.
As well as the obvious physical benefits that you get from a beauty treatment, there are also emotional benefits that should not be ignored. Experiencing professional treatments allow you to unwind and de-stress. Taking a little time out to focus on yourself is the key to maximised productivity both in your work and personal life.
In a recent Sunday Times article by Sarah Ditum, she discussed how her beauty treatments have become etched into her monthly rituals and how ‘the results are only a part of the reason‘ she goes to see her beloved Beautician.
‘As an adult, there are vanishingly few times when you get looked after. Life becomes a parade of responsibilities, of other people needing things from you. I look after my children. I look after my dog. Are they going to offer to buff the rough skin off my heels? In all probability, they are not.‘

While facials offer exfoliation and hydration that contribute to overall skin health, little research had been done on the benefits of facial massage until a ground breaking 2008 study published in the Journal of Biomedical Research. It revealed that facial massage significantly decreases anxiety and negative mood and increases sympathetic nervous activity – providing strong, beneficial effects of stress alleviation and psychological relaxation.
Here at VClaire we specialise in Natural facial treatments with concentrated plant extracts and applied through the skilled and experienced hands of our skin therapists for a healthy skin and mind.
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