Since the opening of our beauty salon in 1996, our ethos has always been consistent. We only want to use certified natural and organic cosmetics. All of our facial treatments are made of the purest ingredients from makeup to body care to home living to sublimise the skin.
VClaire Natural Beauty excel to find and work with certified natural quality brands to represent who we are.
Why? Very simple: Because it makes sense.
We women are using a lot of cosmetics, from skincare to hair colour, nail varnish, body lotion, false tan, deodorant and so on. If I offer you a choice between two glasses of water, one being pure and the other with controversial ingredients, which would you drink?
It is quite simple: taking care of ourselves should be one of our biggest priorities. It is a responsibility we owe to ourselves and our loved ones. If you can help your body by using quality ingredients to benefit its functioning why wouldn’t you?
You know the expression “Your health is your wealth“.
We, the consumers, can decide and make or choice on which cosmetics to use, by taking the time to read the list of ingredients of the products we are using. Make sense?
A good tip is to look for a certification on the packaging. If the cosmetic is certified by a European or governmental body, it guarantees the transparency of the ingredients and brands.

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