The power of reconnection.
The past few years has brought a lot of change to our society. There has been a lot of good, with a real showing of strength and solidarity in humanity. However, that’s not to say that the last few years hasn’t been tough. We’ve had to disconnect somewhat in order to protect each other. Everything seemed to slow down, and the whole world went into social hibernation for a while.
At the core, humans are inherently social beings. We are neurobiologically built for human connection. Without it, everything in our lives gets impacted, including our jobs and careers. Without real human connection, there is very little space for creativity and innovation. A society without creativity and innovation becomes stagnant, whereby progression, change and diversity becomes inhibited.
Reconnect and Revive
However, in the past year we are starting to see a revival happening. A revival of reconnection. We can see this in people’s everyday lives, from personal relationships, to their careers. People are starting to slowly go back out into the world. Zoom meetings are gradually being replaced with real, in-person interactions again, with engaging and passionate conversations.
Creativity and innovation is back on the rise.
The importance of reconnection in the workplace
On Monday the 15th of May Christian Papineau the C.E.O of Laboratoires Centella came to Ireland to reconnect with our team and other beauty professionals who stock Centella natural and organic certified skincare in their salons. Not having seen Mr Papineau since 2019, it was very exciting to be able to connect together again for the launching of the new luxurious Centella Crème Orchid Precious.
The day was full of knowledge, with learning about new natural plant extracts and their benefits on the skin and on our overall wellbeing. The sharing of one another’s unique professional experiences helped to broaden our minds and develop our professionalism further afield. The interaction brought creativity and happiness, as we all together share the same passion for natural skincare and facial treatments.

How reconnection breeds innovation
Not only are human’s brains hardwired for social connection, but they’re also hardwired for problem-solving. When we overcome an obstacle we are rewarded with the neurotransmitter Dopamine. There’s nothing our brains enjoy more than the satisfying feeling of accomplishment.
One of the major ways in which our brains can really dive deep into problem-solving and innovation, is with the use of creativity. If our careers allow us to come together and be open-minded, free-thinking and creative in our approach to our work, then our problem-solving skills will greatly increase.
This not only benefits the success of the company, but also the success of the employee. Employees will feel valued, trusted and competent. This will in-turn boost productivity, and further propel creativity, innovation and change. This means we can all come together and share with each other a vast range of unique ideas, in order to keep moving forward and create new and exciting concepts for the future.
This is how true innovation happens. When we reconnect, we all reap the benefits!

Why not start your skincare journey with us today. To Book your facial Call 01 497 8833 or Book Online
Also check out our Instagram for more updates on everything skin!
Written by Deirdre Lynch, Senior Beauty Therapist at V Claire Health and Beauty Salon